UK Ambassador visits Honduras Próspera

His Excellency Nick Whittingham, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Honduras, visited the island of Roatán on Tuesday, August 10, to know more about Próspera’s investment for growth and jobs in St. John’s Bay.

Ambassador Nick Whittingham was welcomed by a delegation of senior Próspera executives.

Several diplomatic missions have already visited the offices of Próspera in Roatán in the last few months, as the project is gaining the interest and attention of important international investors, eager to explore in detail the benefits of this development project.

Próspera’s vision is to create a new paradigm for community living and working in Honduras. A fully integrated mixed-use development based on the principles of knowledge, innovation, wellness and quality of life.

The project aims at offering development, growth and jobs by attracting Foreign Direct Investment, while guaranteeing human rights and the protection of the environment.

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