ePróspera, our digital platform built by Estonian e-gov experts, is now live!

Roatán, Honduras.

A special economic zone in Honduras known as the Próspera ZEDE (Próspera) today has officially launched ePróspera, a cutting-edge digital platform through which Hondurans and the world will be empowered to access the best-in-class governmental services of this special jurisdiction on the island of Roatán.

This important new e-Gov service is a clear example of the innovations made possible by the Honduran special economic zones working together with the Honduran government and the private sector to solve critical issues in the region. The development of ePróspera was led by Estonia’s e-Residency program leads Ott Vatter and Silver Siniavski –the Managing Director and Head of Product, respectively, for Estonia’s e-Residency program.

This program earned Estonia the title of the most advanced digital society in the world and opened a myriad of economic opportunities for this small country. The move by the Próspera ZEDE sets the stage for equally advantageous opportunities to arrive to the Honduran country by streamlining the processes associated with opening a business and paying taxes in the region, bringing leapfrogging opportunities to the local communities.

“The ePróspera platform will help unleash the potential of people anywhere by empowering them to pursue their highest aspirations, unencumbered by institutional barriers and instead empowered by a modern, fast, and efficient online platform for governance services. In concrete terms, this platform will make it far easier for people and businesses who have chosen to operate within Próspera’s jurisdiction to create legal entities, obtain permits, pay taxes, buy property, and create value with minimal bureaucratic friction.

This will, in turn, make Roatán far more attractive for foreign direct investment while unleashing the potential of Honduran entrepreneurs and innovators, and enabling Roatán to leapfrog ahead of Grand Cayman within one generation”, said Erick Brimen, CEO and President of Honduras Próspera Inc, promoter and organizer of the Próspera ZEDE. In a joint statement, Mr. Ott and Mr. Silver observed: “Systems have a powerful impact to determine who succeeds or fails in a country.

In Estonia, there was a historical lack of trust in institutions that hindered the economy. By streamlining and digitizing the delivery of governmental services, we were able to remove some of the trust barriers and create an environment where everybody could flourish.” The website www.eprospera.hn is now live, through it you can now apply for e-residency and start your own company in the Próspera ZEDE.

Initially, those launching businesses in Honduras will be able to start their company online, secure registry services for individuals or companies renting or buying property, and access to the Próspera Arbitration Center for dispute resolution purposes.

Eventually, ePróspera services will include everything needed to take part in the Próspera ZEDE digitally and contribute to the Honduran economy. By way of example, Estonia currently offers approximately 2,000 separate electronic services through its estonia.ee platform. Furthermore, ePróspera will be very secure as it will require all users to pass a background check to obtain a digital ePróspera identity.

The two executives who will be building ePróspera, Ott Vatter and Silver Siniavski, continued: “For us, it was a great privilege to work with Estonian leaders in building a system of digitized government services that is truly extraordinary in its scope, reliability and ease of use. We are excited by the challenge of building an even more advanced system for the Próspera ZEDE and believe it could create a model for governments all over the world”, continued Mr. Vatter and Mr. Siniavski.

Mr. Brimen added: “Once people and businesses are able to direct the vast majority of their energies on creating and trading value for value, everyone is better off. ePróspera will help make it easy to operate legally within Próspera’s jurisdiction, contributing significantly to the uplifting of people everywhere, and furthers our vision of catalyzing generalized prosperity in Honduras, initially, and wherever we operate.”

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